Blog John, Mental Health

A Quick Interview and Plug (John)

I'm doing my Delusions Stand up show at The Live Theatre Newcastle on July 26 9.00pm.  Here's a little interview thing I did to promote it.  Please do come along. I promise it is a very funny show.

Blog Elle, Blog John, Mental Health

A Quick Word From Elle (Via John)

So if you've been following us in recent weeks you'll know that Elle isn't blogging just now because she's under section. We've been in regular contact and she agrees she's probably in the best place for how she is feeling just now. Still...that doesn't make what she's experiencing easy. As always she's been her incredibly… Continue reading A Quick Word From Elle (Via John)

Blog John, Mental Health

Funny Tales. 3 (Mindfulness Sketch)

I mentioned in my last humorous story that I’ve been reminiscing about potential new material for my Delusions Stand Up Comedy Show. Normally these tales are related to my experiences in the world of mental health. However, over recent days I've been writing sketches for a potential project. Yesterday I wrote one about Mindfulness, which… Continue reading Funny Tales. 3 (Mindfulness Sketch)

Blog John, Mental Health

Funny Tales 2. (John)

As I’m about to perform the show in a variety of places in the coming months I’ve started to write and reminisce about other potentially humorous tales. I mentioned in my last humorous story that I've been reminiscing about potential new material for my Delusions Stand Up Comedy Show. I was just pottering about with… Continue reading Funny Tales 2. (John)