Blog John, Mental Health

Government plans to tackle mental health crisis ‘will fail a generation’ (John)

As a mature student currently sitting a degree, I've become only to well aware that our latest generation of bright young people are facing major obstacles in their lives. They have no hope of a home, they are saddled with huge debts for an education, there is no real social support network to stop them… Continue reading Government plans to tackle mental health crisis ‘will fail a generation’ (John)

Blog John, Mental Health

Bipolar Disorder in Children. (John)

Bipolar Disorder in Children What to Do If You Think Your Child Has Bipolar Disorder Above is a link to an article if you have concerns about bipolar in a child. For me as someone who fully manifested as Bipolar aged 24 this whole area is a bit of a dilemma. I do often… Continue reading Bipolar Disorder in Children. (John)

Blog John, Mental Health

The Mental Health We Don’t Talk About.

Three years ago after coming out of hospital I started to experience the presence of the demon. The demon is sometimes a clear voice in my head, but more often is a hellish noise; a clamour. (Elle) As I stood in the shop I spotted a sign for Australia (Where my brother lives) It had one… Continue reading The Mental Health We Don’t Talk About.

Blog John, Mental Health

DWP’s fit-to-work tests ‘cause permanent damage to mental health’, study finds

While Elle takes a break from the blog I've decided to put up some articles in relation to how government policy is impacting on mental health and society in general. I've commented on these subjects personally before. (See below) A recent landmark study has just linked Tory Austerity to 120’000 deaths. Sick Government = Sick Society. This… Continue reading DWP’s fit-to-work tests ‘cause permanent damage to mental health’, study finds

Blog John, Mental Health

Triggered (Well…nearly) (John)

We talk a lot about triggers these days. So I thought I'd write a blog about my own triggers in the hope it will help better people understand how they affect people with my condition.  The American Psychiatric Association describes triggers as this... What are triggers? We generally know the word trigger to mean an… Continue reading Triggered (Well…nearly) (John)

Blog John, Mental Health

Bacon, ham and hot dogs ‘linked to manic episodes’ (John)

How's that for a clickbait title to a blog. Joking aside this is a genuine article in the British press today. I've put a link to it below. It may be pseudoscience or there may be something in it. As it was published in a recognised psychiatry journal I'd go for the latter. Personally speaking… Continue reading Bacon, ham and hot dogs ‘linked to manic episodes’ (John)

Blog John, Mental Health

A Quick Interview and Plug (John)

I'm doing my Delusions Stand up show at The Live Theatre Newcastle on July 26 9.00pm.  Here's a little interview thing I did to promote it.  Please do come along. I promise it is a very funny show.

Blog Elle, Blog John, Mental Health

A Quick Word From Elle (Via John)

So if you've been following us in recent weeks you'll know that Elle isn't blogging just now because she's under section. We've been in regular contact and she agrees she's probably in the best place for how she is feeling just now. Still...that doesn't make what she's experiencing easy. As always she's been her incredibly… Continue reading A Quick Word From Elle (Via John)