Blog John, Mental Health

Bacon, ham and hot dogs ‘linked to manic episodes’ (John)

How's that for a clickbait title to a blog. Joking aside this is a genuine article in the British press today. I've put a link to it below. It may be pseudoscience or there may be something in it. As it was published in a recognised psychiatry journal I'd go for the latter. Personally speaking… Continue reading Bacon, ham and hot dogs ‘linked to manic episodes’ (John)

Blog John, Mental Health

Endorphins and Anxiety. (John)

We've all been told about the benefits of exercise in relation to our mental health many times over. Up until the past few months I was pretty much unable to perform any kind of serious exercise for almost six years. I had two displaced discs in my back. I was due to get an operation… Continue reading Endorphins and Anxiety. (John)